How to Allow Pets in a Rental Property in Raleigh

How to Allow Pets in a Rental Property in Raleigh

Are you going to allow pets in a rental property in Raleigh, NC? This should prove to be a fantastic idea.

Surveys have shown that almost 70% of Americans own pets. As a result, you'll be able to attract more potential clients to your rental property when you let pets live in it. You'll also be able to accommodate those with support animals who might be interested in renting a property from you.

You will, however, need to create some rules and regulations regarding pets in a rental property. Here are a few of the guidelines you should implement.

Pick the Right Types of Pets to Allow

If you're going to allow pets in a rental property, you should spend some time thinking about which types of pets will be permitted. You probably won't want to let tenants move into your rental property with whatever pets they want.

Dogs and cats will be the two most common types of pets that people will want to bring into your rental property. But they might also want to bring pets like birds, fish, and even snakes along.

You might not necessarily feel comfortable with tenants bringing whichever types of pets they want into your rental property. You'll need to be very specific about which kinds of pets will be allowed from the beginning.

Put Pet Size Restrictions in Place

In addition to spelling out which types of pets that tenants can bring into a Raleigh, NC rental property that you own, you should also let them know how large these pets can be. You'll most likely want to shy away from allowing any dogs, cats, etc. that are too big.

By putting pet size restrictions in place, you'll be able to avoid having your tenants bring in certain larger dog breeds that could pose a threat to your rental and everyone who lives in it or even just visits it.

Charge More Rent for Allowing Pets in a Rental Property

One of the big benefits of allowing pets in a rental property is that it'll enable you to charge more rent than you would be able to otherwise. Most people will be more than happy to pay extra money to you every month for the chance to live with their pets in a rental property you own.

Be upfront with tenants about the pet-related fees you'll put in place if they choose to move into your rental property in Raleigh with pets. It'll ensure they're prepared to pay extra for their pets from the start.

Contact Us for Your Rental Property Management Needs

If you're going to allow pets in a rental property, you may want to get into the habit of inspecting this property from time to time. A rental property management company like PMI Capital City RTP can handle doing this for you.

We can also take care of many other tasks for you, including running a tenant background check, doing lease enforcement, and even carrying out evictions. Give us a call today to take advantage of our property management services.
